Saturday, 16 August 2014

The new Indian Premier  Modi said Friday he wants all families to have bank account to access Government programs and funding.
In Canada if you visit any of the big 5 banks to open an account, they will refuse you if you credit is not good and they do checks right there. That is why Money Marts et al do so well, trading on misery and hard luck of others.
I told Minister Jim Flaherty this once in P J O'Brian's and he promise to look into this  but he died 3 weeks later, God rest him.
The U S President Obama will visit Estonia in early Sept. WHY?  My friend Tom Christanbraun, who was born there and is great soul, (Best restaurant owner in Toronto , (Bistro 990 and Bel Air Cafe, Museum Tavern) will be delighted.
If you are takingVia train to Montreal, especially first class, tip the two attendants in your car when you get on. You will not want to tip them when you leave. Service is tip driven. They stop serving in Cornwall and disappear. Truly
I was in Yankee stadium on Mickey Mantle day 1965. They gave him a Thunderbird Car.  I was 15 attending a catholic private school on Staten Island. Best schooling of my life. Great Priests and never was touched.
Rob Ford will lose to John Tory, (maybe Olivia Chow if John Laschinger get's creative, as only he can) Our Norm Kelly deputy Mayor will be deputy mayor again whoever wins.

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