Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Someone Please Replace The Expression; 'Think Outside The Box.'

I really don't understand why I can't get all in a tizzy over climate change but I can't and never could to date. I think I just could not decide, 100 per cent, that the climate was changing because of our polluting ways. It seemed to me we are living in a country, Canada, which not long ago, in the overall scheme of time, that was covered in ice and it melted and receded leaving a pretty good place to live and work. Our pollution is a problem and we are right to be cleaning up our act. It's smart and good for our health and ya, it's probably responsible for some or maybe a lot of our climate change storms but not all of it.

Now Naomi Klein has a new book out called,'This Changes Everything.' Naomi is another reason why I can't be a dogged anti-pollution guy. She is way too smug and smart.

A lot of smart folks are also saying we need to develop a new kind of Capitalism. I can't say I know a lot about finance but I can say, over the years capitalism has been blamed for a lot of sins and rightly so. The banks behavior during and leading up to the last great failure of the capitalism system, particularly in USA was sinful and venile.

Some say it's like the story of the scorpion and the frog. The frog gives the scorpion a lift across a river on a promise that the scorpion would never bite and poison it, but as they neared the river bank, it did just that. "Why did you do that?" asked the frog. "Because I could not help my nature." The Scorpion replied.

Financial banks are like that too and need to be regulated and even then, they will find new ways to screw the depositors, like derivatives. Over the last 20 years, the banks have sidelined a lot of low income folks by disallowing anyone with poor credit to open an account and access their systems and all that contains. Like debit cards and payroll deposits and so cheque cashing and pay day loan stores have popped up everywhere across North America. In fact there are more pay day loan shops open today than there are McDonalds Restaurants in North America. In fact the pay day loan business has become so lucrative that the banks are buying them; Quietly.

It's also a credit to the Obama administration of justice staff, that the banks in USA have paid hundreds of billions in fine and penalties for their malfeasance in their dealings with the American tax payers, from Mortgage derivative fraud to fraudulent home mortgage repossessions. And this week a USA Federal Jury found The Arab Bank guilty of supporting terrorism from an uprising during   early 2000.
Risk Management means ; fuck off  we are not lending to you or investing in your company. If we do, we own you...

Finally, I could never understand why companies, particularly public traded companies have to increase sales and profits, year over year. If a company sells one million widgets successfully and pays investors a dividend and pays it's bills and employees, year over year and is healthy, why does it have to grow every year. Why not give itself time to grow more slowly and not make mistakes. Or have to borrow large sums to buy other widget companies, so it can show growth, that way.

The person who can come up with a new, fresh expression to replace; "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX." Will rule the world and be forever, the hero we all need...PS; Will Radcliff, The inventor of the Slush Puppie died ,74. RSP  

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