Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Slightly Crazy Politicians And Our Imperfect Democracies

Retired USA General Wesley Clarke writes in New York Times this week that;  China is more confident, assertive and also more closed today, even thought many thought, our efforts at ' Constructive Engagement' and their economic growth and engagement in Capitalism gave us hope they would move toward democracy.
In the USA their government has been under water for much of the last 6 years, unable to get needed legislation passed including money bill that allow it to borrow capital to pay it's bills.

Too much democracy in USA and too little in China? It would seem so. But I have often wondered why we don't reform and evolve our democracies, we the  so called free western countries. It seems we are all sure the democratic systems we have, are fine and so for  hundreds of years, other than 27 big issue, fine tuning amendments to the USA constitution, nothing in the day to day workings of our systems have been amended or evolved.

Hard questions, like how wealthy individuals control our elected leaders through large donations and advertising,which Canada does not allow but USA allows in spades. How come, unless Canadian Members of Parliament are in the cabinet, they have virtually no say in the running of the government and made to toe whatever line the PM and his smart guys and gals come up with?
 But maybe that's ok and how things have to be, to get things done and working. Messy could be a problem? No?

Only last month Great Britain dodged a democratic bullet in the Scotland independence vote.
Mr.Putin in Russia is using the loopholes in it's constitution to shuffle between PM and President because he is not allowed to serve as President for more than 2 terms. Smart fucking guy who is using the so called weakness of President Obama to mess around with Eastern Europe countries like the Ukraine. I think Obama is trying to be enlightened and move war off the table, as a go to action for solving world problems. Like JFK did with the Cuban missile crisis by not invading Cuba and negotiating a settlement with Russians.

I think what we are seeing a lot more of is, what I call small time pathological people entering public life and they seem to have no shame or embarrassment. The Ford brothers in Toronto are like that.  Not dangerous but a bit crazy and smart all wrapped together. Putin as well but he is dangerous. They know news disappears within a few weeks so just suck it up; your mistakes, sins and stupidity and move on. Circumstance and the voters will too.

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