Saturday, 29 November 2014


A few weeks ago the Prime Minister of Hungary,Viktor Orban gave a speech in which he called for his country to abandon Liberal Democracy, in favor of an illeberal state. This is his second elected term and he is very popular and he does not like being told what to do.
 Like Vladimir Putin of Russia he believe the flaws in Western democracies like ours warrant electing leaders who distance themselves from of the European Union. He went on to say he would not deny voters the fundamentals of liberal freedom.

He finished by citing Putin and Xi Jining, the Chinese President as fine examples of how democracy should evolve. Strong leaders unquestioned.
Last week Mike Nichols, the great director and writer died. He spoke often of how life is a pendulum and the good times can be long but the pendulum will swing and our live seems to get jumbled for a while.

Our democracies are flawed and the state of progress and cooperation that we have enjoyed for the last 100 odd years seem to be fraying. In the USA congress cannot get past the black president ( A Stranger In The White House, one new book is titled.)and Republicans seem to want to use tactic unheard of heretofore to further their agenda and confound the damn liberal democrats. In Canada Mr. Harper is a bully and cynical of the opposition as do the Conservatives in Britain. We have not evolved our democracies and the bad guys around the world like Orban and Putin and Xi are pointing it out and taking advantage.
Maybe true pure democracies are not the best way to govern. Maybe a little stick and enlightened dictatorship works better? It does not, but a lot of folks worry we are spoiled and too brazen for our own good.

John Ivison, of The Canadian Nation Post, interviewed former Russian PM Kasyanov, who was in Ottawa this week and gave a talk around this world changing phenomenon. He asked; Is Putin Mad? "I am sure he isn't and he is bluffing" He replied." If the West stays strong and gives Putin to understand that there are consequences, he will go no further."
Democracies need to stop fighting among the Left-Right party mentality and work together to keep our system strong and working and evolving to be better.
There are times, as we all know, which are critical and as the world is being gamed by madness and arrogance we need to be aware and act to protectwhat we have. Britain's Nevill Cumberland in 1938 returned from Hitler's Berlin with confidence stating that Hitler was cool and we would have peace in our time. All the while Hitler was building an army and armaments to us against us. We need to stay awake amid all the noise and see evil ambition when it rears it's head. We are not doing that and it's dangerous.

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