Saturday, 18 April 2015


You need to travel to Newfoundland and Ireland, in the early fall ( best weather) and visit the pubs and restaurants to really get a feel for how well the inhabitants use the English language. It's scrummy.
Oscar Wilde said the only revenge the Irish ever got on the British was, we learned to write and speak their English Language better than they.
And, you never hear an Irish  politicians start a sentence, especially in response to a question, with  ... LISTEN. They might say it if they are offended by something you said; "Now listen here Sir. Let me tell you something."

You cannot watch any of the political interviews or chat shows on TV these days without hearing the politicians start almost any comment or answer with; Listen. ( The lesser used pause word is LOOK. Equally irritating but not near as popular)
Not just in North America either. I heard Tony Blair, former PM of Great Britain, say it far too often last week. Indeed I've heard President Obama use it. That was all I could take. The inculpatory evidence is clear to all lovers of the Language; This is a sin against our language.
I'd love to hear the interviewer interrupt the speaker, after a few times with the listen thing  and say," Hey, I am listening to you over here. I asked you the Damn question, didn't I.? Stop asking me to listen!"

Now, I know it's a mental trick, used to slow down the conversation while he or she formulates quickly what to say but Damn it, I can't take it anymore. It is the definition of irritating for any of us with half a brain.
When someone asks you a question or makes a statement that might have a little smoke of accusation in it, do you say listen, before you answer?  I just start answering. I don't need the, listen because I presume they are listening, since they asked the question.
If they need a mental stall, cough or chuckle or say; "Could you repeat that stupid question, please?"

"Is it true that your writing has been described as, wanting Mr. Dwyer?
My answer? "F--k you, with some respect."
Or should I say,
" Listen; F--k you, with some respect"
I can only say that when I not sure the person is fully listening to me or I want to be rudely emphatic. I am sure the smart ass journalist would answer, with comment on the listen part.
"Well I was and am listening to you, Mr. Dwyer and by the way,  listen to this, F--k you too!"

Now that is one of the few time you can open a response with, Listen, in a conversation or interview; If you think the other party is not listening or for emphasis and maybe once in the conversation but not every response. 
Anyway, that kind of retort is sure to end the interview and you can go on your way, without having to listen to that ignoramus Journalist.

I am not sure when this Listen business started to dominate our political discourses on TV.  I don't remember it being prevalent until recently, say ten years ago. Notice too, if the interview is in print, you rarely see the 'Listen,' written. The writers edit them because they are too prevalent and  irritating when read.
There. I am glad I got that off my chest!

If you agree or this commentary strikes a cord on your aggravation graph; Write a letter to the editor of your local paper to protest;Listen and re tweet this column please. We gotta stop this. The Facebook and Twitter links are below. Let's stop being told to listen by the damn politicians.

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